APRIL 2, 2019 7 P.M.

2018-2019 FISCAL YEAR




The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Solem at 7:00p.m., followed by Pledge of Allegiance

BOARD PRESENT: Supervisor Solem, Treasurer Gottschalk, Clerk Michalak, Trustee Laman and Trustee Wieber

PUBLIC PRESENT: Dan Haswell, Ruth Hoviland, Paula Figura, Raymond Franks

SPECIAL GUESTS: Ron Berns- 911 Dispatch

Trevor Tkach- President of Traverse City Tourism

Joel Gaff- Ironman Event Organizer

Tim Markey- Homestead Township Fire Chief

Jesse Zylstra- Benzie County Recycling Coordinator


Clerk Michalak read the minutes of the 2018-2019 3rd quarter meeting. Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Trustee Laman to accept 3rd quarter minutes as read. Treasurer Gottschalk supported the motion. All ayes, motion carried.


1. Ron Berns, from 911 Dispatch, shared the many improvements and advancements

that have taken place in the organization under his tenure. He will be retiring in the


2. Tim Markey, Homestead Township Fire Chief, discussed the improved

communications of emergency personnel with the addition of new radios deployed in

February. A FEMA grant provided these radios to the county at a reduced rate. The

frontline fire engine is no longer functioning and the department is hoping to replace it

in 12-18 months. The Homestead Township Fire Department is planning a prescribed burn in the Platte Township woods.

3. Joel Gaffe, a representative from the Ironman Race, along with Trevor Tkach, the

President of Traverse City Tourism, presented current and planned information about

the Ironman Race and its route through Platte Township. They are hoping this will

become an annual event and currently have a two-year contract.

4. Jesse Zylstra, the Benzie County Recycling Coordinator, gave a recap of the annual

report. He left 10 copies at the Township Hall. has annual report.

There will be three County hosted household hazardous waste and electronics clean-ups

this summer. The first is in Frankfort on June 15th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The second

location and date are Honor, August 17th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be a scrap tire

collection in Thompsonville on July 13th. You must call (231)882-0544 to make an

appointment for drop off during any of these events.

We discussed our Township’s own Clean-Up Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th, from 8 a.m. until noon. Benzie County Recycling has been good about sending a truck for collecting and disposing of electronics. The Huletts may also be providing electronics disposal. They will take scrap tires and metal at no cost to the Township. Debris removal will be provided by American Waste. Jesse Zylstra will bring reusable shopping bags, obtained by grant money, to be passed out to citizens on Clean-Up Day.

Art Jeannot was unable to attend tonight.


A copy of the 2018 Annual Building Report is available for viewing at the Township Hall for anyone who may be interested.


1. Road Closure Resolution- Clerk Michalak read the Resolution to approve the

necessary road closures for the Ironman event. Trustee Laman made a motion to

approve the resolution as written. Treasurer Michalak supported. Roll call vote; all

ayes, motion carried.

2. DEQ Permits- Supervisor Solem has 2 permits for improvements on Dymond Road

and Skinner Road. The work scheduled will replace culverts to allow a larger flow of water to run under both roads.


1. Morgan School Update- Attorney Tim Figura sent a letter to the township officials

regarding the current situation with the Morgan School ownership. He has a

conversation scheduled with the Michigan State Grange President/Master, Chris

Johnson. We should know quite a lot more after that conversation. Ruth Hovland

provided some details about the recent closure of the local Grange organization. Clerk

Michalak requested tabling the Morgan School conversation until the next quarterly

meeting on July 2nd to allow time for the attorney to report his findings.

2. Ironman Update- This topic was discussed earlier by special guests Joel Gaff and

Trevor Tkach.

3. Computer Recommendation- Supervisor Solem stated that the township needs to

provide a new laptop for the Clerk’s use. The laptop is nearly ten years old.

Software, support, service agreement should all be included in the budgeting for this

item. The township office also needs to replace a printer that was damaged during the

previous power surge by Consumers Energy. Clerk Michalak went to Best Buy with

recommendations provided to her from the township’s IT person. Trustee Wieber made

a motion to purchase one 17-inch, HP laptop, along with a new laser printer, support,

service and software. Clerk Michalak supported the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

4. Assessor Resolution- A resolution presented as recommended by the Townships assessing firm. This resolution #2019-3 states that a property owner may file a protest at the July or December Board of review.. Treasurer Gottschalk read the resolution. Clerk

Michalak made a motion, with support by Treasurer Gottschalk to accept the resolution

as read. Roll call vote; all ayes, resolution accepted.

BOARD ROUNDTABLE: Items of concern on or off agenda

A discussion about setting up appropriate email addresses for township business was discussed. Leon Schmidt will set this up for the township officials.


Clerk Michalak read the operating statement for the 4th quarter of the 2018-2019 budget year. The township is currently under budget for the year.

Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to accept the Clerk’s Operating Statement as presented. A motion was made by Trustee Laman. with support by Clerk Michalak. All ayes, motion carried.


Treasurer Gottschalk read the operating statement for the 4th quarter, providing a breakdown of accounts and investments. A motion was made by Clerk Michalak and supported by Trustee Laman, to accept the Treasurer’s Operating Statement as read. All ayes, motion carried.


A motion was made by Trustee Laman and supported by Supervisor Solem to approve the bills. All ayes, motion carried.



Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Laman, with support by Clerk Michalak, to adjourn the meeting. All ayes, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Molly Franks

Deputy Clerk